What MLP character are you? ?!?!!? ok i just made this first quiz. I think its okay, soo, yeah, yup, uh huh, LuckyDragonStone published on July 21, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What pet do you prefer? Hawk A cat Dragon Bunny A crocidile A dog 2/5 Apple Bloom asks you to play but your busy doing what? Busting awesome moves! Studying here! Helping family Planning parties Helping baby robins Making new dresses 3/5 Did you like this quiz AWESOME Great Good OK Fine Bad poor terrible *PUKE* 4/5 Favourite colour? Orange and Red PINK! Purple Rainbow! Yellow and green Any colour that's in the trend. 5/5 What do think of fashion? Oh, please! I don't have time for all that stuff, I'm busy! I am the MASTER of fashion. Something bouncy and fun Something comfy and loose Something to help me work better! Something AWESOME!