Wich Dance Mom are you? Wich dance Mom are you q w e r ty u i a sd fg h c g hj q f g x g erg fb megancharlotte published on July 20, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What would you do if you were at a party and Leslie (somebody you don`t like) walked in? Start a fight Talk to her about her rude actions Talk to her about her kid bulling other kids Tell her the definition of bulling 2/5 If your group came in tenth place what would you do? Look on the bright side Point fingers Blame the teacher Focus on the childs/friends feelings 3/5 If somebody bullies your child/friend what would you do? Snap back Tell them to leave Tell on them Ignore 4/5 How quick are you to snap at somebody when they say something you dislike? Right away Keep to my self Nobody says anything to me Wait until it blows up 5/5 What would you do if somebody lied to the teacher? Tell the teacher Not say anything Start a fight Complain