Is your house haunted? (1) have you ever thought your house was haunted... but you wanted to know if it was really haunted? take this quiz to find out if it is, or not. JollyRancher published on July 16, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Do you ever hear whistling in your house, when your home alone? i'm never home alone... no. yes, but it's just the cat. lol idk...umm... yeah! 2/5 do you ever hear foot steps in your room, but don't see anything? yes, all the time! i don't know... no, never. umm at night, yes. i even sometimes DO see something... something white and glowing... 3/5 do you hear weird noises in the shower? yes!!! no. i have no idea 4/5 do you ever feel something holding your hand when your in bed? yes, but it feels calm... yes and it's creepy! no, never wat do you mean 5/5 do you ever see anything glowing in your room at night? yes, something blue, green, or white. yeah but it's only my night light. idk... no! yes...