What's your Blood status in the Wizard world? Are you a: Muggle-born, Half-blood, Pure-blood, Blood traitor, or a Muggle (That's not in the wizard world!) anonymous-user-PjPAXJ published on July 10, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Are you a Muggle-born, Half-Blood, Pure-Blood, Blood Traitor, or Muggle? Muggle-born! Half-Blood! Pure-Blood! Blood Traitor! Muggle! Whatever that is... (Me: The quizmaker knows what it is so you don't tell me "You don't know what a Muggle is?" I DO KNOW!) 2/5 What would you hate to be called? Mudblood! It's so rude! Filthy Little Half-blood! It makes me feel small! Anything by Mudbloods! Filthy (little) Blood Traitor! I don't stink do I? Nerd/Geek/Stupid/I'm-a-Muggle-Already! (Me: I KNOW!) 3/5 Hope you like your Results! Thanks! Whatever Filthy Little Mudblood! *I run away crying* 4/5 Which blood again? Muggle-born! Half-Blood! Pure-Blood! Blood Traitor! Red? 5/5 Which Famous Witch or Wizard do you prefer? Hermione Granger! Harry Potter! Draco Malfoy! Ron Weasley! I dunno/Other/I'm-a-Muggle-Whatever-that-is!