Does ur crush like u? Does ur crush not kno u exsist, kinda like u, or have a crush on u? <3 singer4eva published on July 03, 2012 Stacked 1/7 ur crush.. (insert 1) is friendly with me but not as close as i wish... sends me love letters and gives the luv look if u kno wat im sayin! doesnt kno me. 2/7 ur crush asks u out. u... say no cuz u dont kno tht person tht well say yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!! he/she wouldnt ask me.... 3/7 what do u think? he doesnt really... well... he doesnt really kno i exsist.. yeah kinda sorta.. uh-hu! he always is staring at me and when i stare at him he looks away. i do the same 2 him/her. ohhhhh how romantic! 4/7 ur crush is... a celeb other a kid from my skool 5/7 how much do u luv ur crush? just a small crush A LOT!!! a little bit 6/7 the nicest thing ur crush has done 4 u is... send me a luv letter! nothing he doesnt kno me at all! given me the "hi" look. thts good, rite? 7/7 do u have things in common? idk i dont really kno him..... yes! like, everything! some things not all no nothing at all!