what type of person are you?????? it describes what type of person you are. it can also make you more aware of yourself darkrose8888 published on July 02, 2012 Stacked 1/7 your favourite hobby?????? going to school reading surfing doing work 2/7 your Favourite day of the week???? Monday Wednesday Tuesday Friday 3/7 you like to??????? sit inside on a sunny day and stare out of the window watch the fish play with the dog read a book and catch a tan 4/7 you want to read a book, which one????? any horror tale a old fairy tale harry potter Einstein's life works 5/7 your Favourite colour????? black white anything luminous or fluorescent grey 6/7 you have gone to kings-wood, which activity?????? abseiling caving climbing puzzle solving 7/7 your favourite film????? the nightmare before Christmas a Cinderella story Kim possible/totally spies Pythagoras theory