are you pregnant? your not so sure if you are pregnant or not? take this quiz and find out if you are or not. kitty published on June 28, 2012 Stacked 1/19 how high is your blood pressure? real high!! pretty low 2/19 by taking this quiz for FUN, you mean... no, i think i'm really pregnant i'm just a kid but i'm taking this quiz for fun cuz i want to see if my result will be yes 3/19 how long have you been thinking you're pregnant? about 1 to 2 weeks a month i don't think i'm pregnant 4/19 when was the last time you had your period? 3 to 4 weeks ago more than 6 weeks ago yesterday or last week 5/19 do you feel mental illness? no i'm not mental! a little 6/19 do you feel invaded? yeah! no not really 7/19 do you feel depressed a lot? for maybe 1 or 3 weeks no 8/19 do you feel pains in your stomach? yes!!! not really only once. 9/19 are you taking this quiz just for fun or because you seriously think you might be pregnant? i'm pretty sure i might be pregnant. i'm taking this quiz for fun 10/19 does your crotch feel good? yeah it feels a little sexy no, what do you mean? 11/19 have you felt sick lately? i've been throwing up everyday for the past week not really 12/19 have you been sweating a lot? yeah, even when i'm cold. only when i'm hot. 13/19 have you had sex with a guy in the past 1 to 2 weeks? yeah my boy friend/husband no not at all 14/19 have you been eating a lot lately? yes no 15/19 are you ok? no yes 16/19 is your belly big? only cuz i'm over weight if i am pregnant, not yet. i've only been thinking i'm pregnant for about a day. yes!!! i'm usually skinny!!! 17/19 right now, hat are your cravings? cheese idk 18/19 has your pee burned? no yeah, it has for at least a week. 19/19 how has your poop been? liquid/normal normal/chunky/hard