Which teacher are you? (1) Do you want to know which teacher would be your best friend? Take this quiz and find out now? Lisaanna published on September 19, 2017 Stacked 1/10 Do you like to eat? Hell yes! Food is my life I like Krapfen No i dont want to gain weight Yeah 2/10 Do you like reading? What does reading mean? Yes Yea No I'm to stupid to read 3/10 Are you good at learning new languages? No I still cant speak German Yes I love English I ave a verry bed aksent 4/10 Do you like subjects like biology and geography? No history is much better What is biology? Yes Yessss No languages are my thing 5/10 Which colour?: black and blue, pink, rainbow, black All of them Black and blue Pink Rainbow Black 6/10 Are you good at teaching? Yes No?? Not at all Im ok Why not? 7/10 Do you like the American or British accent more? American British Both Wat is dis? I cant speak english 8/10 Which pet would you like to have? Pygm Puff Horse Dog Cat Buckbeak 9/10 Eisinger or Pal? Eisinger Pal Do I have to answer this?☹️ None Both? 10/10 Are you untidy? Yes No Well... Maybe... Not at all!!