what should I draw/paint - quiz?? Do you ever want to draw a picture but you don't have a clue what do draw a picture off well take this quiz and you will find out! coolkidz456 published on June 21, 2014 Stacked 1/10 do you want to impress people with your drawings? no I just want to have a quick sketch I want people to like it but I don't want to show off I want people to see that I am good at art and I can finish an interesting piece it is going to be a really good master piece so yes no not really 2/10 what size paper are you using ? small post it note half of an A3 piece of paper A3 big massive what ever size I have got 3/10 how many pictures do you want to draw and colour? 1 2 3 4 lots just one really really good one 4/10 What colours do you have or want to use in your picture? red yellow orange blue green purple pink black white 5/10 do you like doing art? no I only do it when i am bored I don't really mind its ok but I like sports better yes its the best thing ever I love it 6/10 where is the picture going to be when you have finished it? I probably wont finish it on the wall in my bedroom at school in the bin I don't know 7/10 how much time do you have/want to spend on your picture? a couple of minuets 10-15 minuets half an hour an hour or so ill do a bit today a bit tomorrow ext. 8/10 who will you be showing this picture? mum and dad/ brother and sister who ever wants to look at it cousins /family friends whole school 9/10 do you think you are good at art? no I am most certainly not I am quite bad when I come to think off it I don't know actually im ok im the best ive been doing it for ages 10/10 What type of pens are you using ? some expensive , delicate pens some ordinary pencils that I found pastels crayons proper sketching pencils/pens