Which FROZEN character are you? (3) Which one are you?Ana Elsa Kristof ? Find out right now! Do my quiz little children! Rarity42 published on June 26, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Would you rather... Go outside and play and make friends Stay inside and work on homework and be lonely Go outside and work in the fields 2/5 Do you have a... Pet that you love more than yourself Concealed Lonely Sibling who seems to be hiding something Annoying Quirky all up in your face sibling 3/5 Do you have a sibling or a friend that you want to protect but you can't because you feel like you need to stay away from them? yes no 4/5 Do you have a sibling or a pet? Sibling Pet None of the above. :*( 5/5 What color is your hair? Blonde Brunette White (woot woot) Other :o