What Princess are you? (4) Have fun with your inner child everyone. I know I have fun with mine. Enjoy. cracked_stardust published on November 01, 2015 Stacked 1/7 Who is favorite princes? Anna Ariel Aurora Belle Cinderella Elsa Jasmine Merida Mulan Pochahuntus Rapunzel Tiana 2/7 What do you do in your free time? Think about my life and cry about it. Talk to random people Work on my athletic skills Do my hair and makeup/makeovers for my friends Find ways to talk to people Run. A lot. READ SLEEP Cuddle with my pets Go on adventures Canoe Brush my hair 3/7 What is your favorite color IM SORRY!!! Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Black White Brown Gold Pink Everything 4/7 Was this fun? Yes Kinda A little No 5/7 What is your zodiac? I don't know Aquarius Pisces Scorpio Virgo Aries Libra Sagittarius Gemini Capricorn Leo Cancer 6/7 What is one word that describes you best Angry Confused Powerful Spoiled Persistent Nice Quiet Tired LOUD Brave Adventures EXCITED 7/7 Do you even like princess? YEAH. DUH Kinda sorta No. They're for kids. (Then why are you taking this?) No. I'm a dude