What should you wear to your event? Need fashion advice on what to wear? Whether your going to a baby shower, slumber party, the movies, or even school take this quiz to get an idea of how to dress! GlitterGirl33 published on February 27, 2016 Stacked 1/5 What kind of people would you be around? Close Friends or Family Peers or friends Boss or coworkers acquaintances or people I know through others I would be attending an event with people I don't know (e.g an audience of the event) 2/5 What kind of event are you attending? Wedding Baby Shower Broadway play School Family get together Slumber party Conference or Interview Seminar Anniversary Celebration Award Ceremony Birthday party Holiday Party Other 3/5 Will you be in the spotlight at any time (such as presenting a project or research) Yes for most of the event At some points, yes For a short time No I won't be 4/5 How formal is your event (scale of 1-10)? 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 5/5 What is the level of importance of the event to your future (1-10)? 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10