Wha fnaf 4 chariter are you What nighmare are you in fnaf 4 girl or boy *Nightmares scream*JUST DO IT! sorry if bad spelling.i'm in 4 grade so plz don't complan liveinkill published on December 02, 2015 Stacked 1/7 what fav coller? yellow red purple brown black pink/bage golden 2/7 what coler skin?*nighmare animatronics* dark yellow red dark blue dark brown black pink dark golden 3/7 what to do most offen? eat pizza sing Notice in pirits cove play guitar sing kill kids say i''m a cupcake all day sing to kids with springbonnie 4/7 What do you want on? have a cupcake with sharp teeth on your sholder have a nighmareish hook have a torn up hat*can't buy a new one* nothing a candle a really ripped up hat a golden ripped up hat 5/7 what atake do want? grad n bite grad,shake'and bite bite face off bite face off with pink eyes bite frontle lode out jump and bite scare to death 6/7 what dercipendo you like before nightmare? sweet and LOVES PIZZA love pirets loves gutares loves to sing dark and evle love to be held by Chica bite the bite of 83 kid 7/7 what to do at night? eat pizza give nightgard a hug stalk nightgard sing to nightgard kill how is in the diner watch the nighgard chat with springbonnie