Would you date me? (boys ONLY) (BETTER VERSION)Take this quiz to see if you would date me or plz give it a shoot or chance plz :] ‹3333 katiebushey published on June 17, 2012 Stacked 1/8 If you live in Minnesota would try to go out with me? Yesss ‹33333 Idk No 2/8 Would you like to go out with? and it dont matter what size i am or how i look Yes Idk No 3/8 How old are you? 14-17 18-22 23-26 4/8 Do you like basketball, soccer and tennis? Yes sure No you like other sports 5/8 What grade are you in? 9th or 10th 11th or 12th Out of school 6/8 Would you message me a ‹3 yessss ‹33333 maybe:] no sorry:[ 7/8 Whats your favorite color? Blue, purple, Pink, red, gray, orange Yellow, black, brown, green, and wight 8/8 Would you comment on this test? And say what you got? Yes i would Maybe No