What Type Of Lolly Are You Answer the questions to reveal your sweet side and find out if you have good taste milla5879 published on June 17, 2012 Stacked 1/8 What do you daydream about? A sleepover with all your friends Being school captain Wizards and magic 2/8 What do you wish you could take everywhere with you? Your pet Your iPod Your surfboard 3/8 What do you do when you're feeling upset? Write down your thoughts in your diary Tell your BFF Think about something really funny 4/8 Your fav thing to dress up as is.............. A princess/prince A famous singer A cowboy/cowgirl 5/8 What word describes you best? Girly Daring Carefree 6/8 When you grow up you want to be....... A teacher A celeb A zookeeper 7/8 What scares you most? Heights and the dark Not much, except poisonous spiders Losing a compatition 8/8 Your fav colour is......... Pink Yellow Blue