The Modern Dating Personality Quiz

The Modern Dating Personality Quiz

Find out which dating persona best fits you in today's fast-paced world.

published on May 04, 2024

What type of first date sounds most appealing?

What type of first date sounds most appealing?
Coffee shop chat
Nightclub dancing
Picnic in the park

What is your preferred method of communication with a new romantic interest?

What is your preferred method of communication with a new romantic interest?
Phone calls
Texting all day
FaceTime or video chat

How do you feel about online dating apps?

Love them, can't live without them
Use them occasionally, but prefer other methods
Not a fan, prefer meeting in person

What is your ideal amount of time to wait before becoming exclusive with someone?

What is your ideal amount of time to wait before becoming exclusive with someone?
Depends on the connection, no set timeline
Right away, if it feels right
At least a few months

How do you handle disagreements or conflicts in a relationship?

Address the issue head-on and work together to resolve it
Talk it out calmly and find a compromise
Get emotional and need space to cool off

What role do your friends and family play in your dating life?

What role do your friends and family play in your dating life?
I keep my love life private from them
Their opinions matter a lot to me
I value their input, but make my own decisions

How do you feel about public displays of affection (PDA)?

Fine with it in moderation
Prefer to keep things private
Love showing affection in public

What is the most important quality you look for in a partner?

Loyalty and commitment
Passion and chemistry
Spontaneity and fun-loving nature

How do you define a successful relationship?

How do you define a successful relationship?
Intense emotional connection and love
Exciting experiences and growth together
Long-lasting commitment and shared values

What is your approach to making the first move in dating?

Confidently pursue what I want
Initiate subtly to gauge interest
Wait for the other person to make the move

How do you feel about casual dating versus serious relationships?

How do you feel about casual dating versus serious relationships?
Seeking a serious, committed relationship
Open to either, depending on the person
Prefer casual dating for now

What role does social media play in your dating life?

What role does social media play in your dating life?
Keep my love life private on social media
Post occasionally, but not a big part of dating for me
Share everything online, relationship status included