Which Suite Life On Deck Charactor are you? Bailey, London, Zack, Cody, Marcus, Maya, Woody, Mr Mosbey, Mrs Tutwiler - but which one are you? Take this quiz to find out! quizheart123 published on June 12, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What do you do in your spare time? SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND BE PRETTY Help my family on the farm Solve the Unsolvable Skateboard around everywhere. OH NOOO TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Play Sports Scratch my bum and watch TV RAP STROKE MY ADORABLE KITTYS 2/5 Whats your catchphrase? Yayyyyyyy MEEEEEEEE!!! Ah it's like finding a needle in a haystack on a hot summer day while milking the cows on the farm when suddenly theres a earthquake and the roof falls off y... "Hey babee! Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" TECHNICALLY 8X800=6400-10=6390 IS THAT ALL YOU GOT PUNK?! *picks nose* ohhh that's a big one I don't have a catchphrase! I just sing! my cute kitty cats! 3/5 One word to describe you... Country Gal Prettyyy, prettyyy and oh prettyyy Flirty Smart City Girl Grose Singyy Cat-lover 4/5 I SAY "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?" "A BOYYYYYYYYYY! YEH!" YOU SING BACK "A GIRL!! YAY ME!!" "A GAL!BUT IM A TOMBOY ;) "A GUY! why else would I chat up the ladies ;) Speaking of ladies look over there! A boy. "Just a simple country gal" "Umm I dont know :/" "A Woman! Oh look theres my cat!" 5/5 If you had a pet - what would it be? LOTS AND LOTS OF CUTE TINY KITTY'S! A RAT CALLED BUCK! A CHICKEN! ANIMALS! GROSE!! THEY DISGUST ME! ANYTHING THAT CAN DANCE!!!!!!!! HEHE! A LARGE DOG! A SMALL DOG THAT LICKS YOU :) A PARROT! WE CAN DO DUETS TOGETHER!