What cristmas fruit Are you? find out what seasonal fruit you are,and it will help you find your favorite seasonal outfits! chook published on June 08, 2012 Stacked 1/12 your fave summer clothing short-shorts and bikini top jeans and long-sleeve mini-skirt and tank-top leggings and a graphic tee 2/12 why is it you took this quiz? for fun/someone told me to wonder and excitement 3/12 would you come back to www.dailychic.yolasite.com? no..not ever yup all the time 4/12 do you like winter? heck no!!! who does?? you bet! who doesnt?? 5/12 witch video game system to you perfer? dsi/ipod touch x-box 360/ps3 gamecube/gameboy wii/ps2 psp/cell phone games 6/12 what do you like to do in summer? swim and eat ice cream watch clouds and eat hotdogs 7/12 you like video games? yeah..doesnt everyone? not really 8/12 Do you prefer inside or out? outside to frig around inside to play video games 9/12 do u like fashion and makeup? yes definatlly!!! not really... i dont wear makeup on special occations 10/12 what is your favorite colour? blue yellow orange green hot pink lime green 11/12 what is your favorite number out of these? 1 2 3 4 other? 12/12 do u like hot or cold better? hot cold