What kind of friend are you? (5)

What kind of friend are you? (5)

Are you a funny friend or are you a reliable friend well find out with this tip top quiz!

published on June 04, 2012

If you were told to tell your friends secret what wound you do?

Tell them.
Don't say anything.
Make something up.
Make up something similar to the secret.

If you were told a secret what wound you do?

Keep it between yourself and your friend.
Tell everyone.
Never talk about it again.
Laugh about it.

If your friend was moving house what wound you do?

If your friend was moving house what wound you do?
Keep in contack with them.
Give them a leaving party.
Forget about them.
Never talk to them again.

If your friend was bullied what wound you do?

If your friend was bullied what wound you do?
Tell a adult.
Leave them to do it.
Tell them to Bog off.
Help the bully.

If your friend dropped thier ice cream on the floor what wound you do?

If your friend dropped thier ice cream on the floor what wound you do?
Tell him/her to buy another ice cream.
Tease him/her.
Buy him/her another ice cream.
Share your ice cream with him/her.