Which Mortal Kombat Kharacter are you? Test your.... PERSONALITY! See which MK Kharacter you relate to. ALWAY'S TRUST IN THE ELDER GODS! brandona2001 published on June 03, 2012 Stacked 1/6 What is your plan's after Tournament Kill for vengance Rule Outworld Capture souls of everyone Become a god Team up to be a unstoppable force Save soul's 2/6 Last One.... What's your Color? Red Blue/White Blue All colors Purple Yellow 3/6 Which of these elements/powers suit you? Fire Ice Electric Weaponry Fire/Shaolin moves Magic 4/6 How was your childhood? cool never had equal Training Training with Shaolin Unknown 5/6 What's your life destined to do? Save souls Turn on master and rule Vengance Do what Father says Vengance/ Tournament winner Represent Kin in tournament 6/6 What's your main Fatality source? Fire Ice Sorcerey Electric Tricks Animorphusus