which color best represents your personality? This quiz is multiple choice. Depending on your answers, you will find out what color represents you the most. Madison.Curtin published on June 03, 2012 Stacked 1/6 pick one that describes you :D :) :'( :P -_- :/ 2/6 what is your fav color out of these blue pink red yellow black green 3/6 by yourself or with a lot of people doesnt matter a lot of people idc no one alone.. need to focus 50/50 4/6 what do you do when your sad party play sports or play with friends forget about why you are go away from people cry talk it trough 5/6 what do you like to wear sports T with comfy pants skinny jeans and tank top anything comfy sweat suit sweat shirt with skinny jeans something classy 6/6 fav animal dog fish bunny cat crocodile squirrel