In what warrior cats clan do you belong in? It is about the warrior cats book. Also with the skyclan. I hate this descriptions leghastjr published on April 14, 2021 Stacked 1/13 What kind of trees do you like? no trees small trees normal trees conifers Very high trees 2/13 do you like climbing? yes no 3/13 Do you like fighting? yes no 4/13 Are you afraid of darkness? yes no 5/13 Would you accept a kitty pet in your clan? yes no 6/13 Do you like hiding? yes no 7/13 Are you honest to other clans or just to your own? just for my own To every clan 8/13 Do you like swimming? yes no 9/13 Are you afraid of heights? yes no 10/13 Would you live without a roof? yes no 11/13 What are you good in? swim run climb hide fight 12/13 If you were a cat, what would you eat? Fisch Rabbit Mice Frogs Birds 13/13 Do you like running? yes no