Your Hogwarts life Gryffindor 2! Find out where you'll end up! Do part 1 first, Girls only, And remember which one you have, Girly Gryffindor or Brave Gryffindor! anonymous-user-NdzZlL published on May 22, 2012 Stacked 1/7 What did you get last time? Girly Gryffindor! BRAVE GRYFFINDOR! 2/7 Did you _____? (What happened in Part one to you?) I Got kidnapped I got Knocked out! 3/7 Where did you go? EDGE of the Forbidden Forest. DEEP into the Forbidden Forest. 4/7 Random Question: What was my result? (From quiz 1?) Girly Gryffindor! Like me! I'm guessing you got Brave Gryffindor? 5/7 I got: Girly Gryffindor! YAY! Were the same! Oh, that's all right, I would have been happy if you were a Brave Gryffindor... 6/7 Are you sure you got ______? (Your answer) Yes, I'm SURE I could Girly Gryffindor like you! YES I'M SURE I GOT BRAVE GRYFFINDOR! 7/7 Final Question: Will you comment and Rate? *Looks in Mirror kind of Zoned out by beauty* Oh! Yes I will! *Jumps off of a cliff* Oh! YES I WILL! Oh no! Why DID I JUMP OFF?