your anime high school lige girl version ever wonder wat would happen if u were a anime charter in high school well find out .. ill try not to mention cupcakes yurikoneko published on May 17, 2012 Stacked 1/5 its ur first day and ur running late u have to get ready omg!!! hurry put somthin on go go go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take my time if im late who cares? sooo id rather be late then look a mess 2/5 uve barley made it to first period and u take ur seat the teacher asks the question what is 4a+23b and calls u to answer stand up blushin um... um..... PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? stand up glaring and tell him hes a idoot look at the nearest smart person with pleading eyes 3/5 i tried to i rlly did but i gottain cooking club u start makin cupcakes and your partner is totally not helping u u smile and start talkin bout the epicness of cupcakes 0__0 y am i in cooking club?? throw icining in his face and find someone else 4/5 on ur hurry to school u knock a boys books down oh excuse u pick his books up and give to him *smile* and keep going glance at him and keep going call srry and keep going 5/5 u go into the lunch room and every table is full execpt for the seat beside a read haired boy throwing food and laughin like a hayina sit beside him ignoreing his idootness sit beside him and start talkin ethusaicly bout random things )_) any where else plz somewhere