Which Harry Potter girl are you? (Girls only!) Find out Which Harry Potter girl you are by Taking this QUIZ!!!!!!! HAVE FUN TOO!!!!!!!! anonymous-user-XKrPT9 published on May 15, 2012 Stacked 1/7 HIIIII! Hi, Too buzy studying to chat. *Is pulling pranks with Brothers* Oh hi! It's that Mudblood again! (Me: Oh no) AVADA KEDAVRA! *Dodges* *Is too buzy reading the Quibbler* 2/7 Favorite animal? Parrot! Rabbit! Otter! HORSE! (Me: OMG ME TOO!) 3/7 Harry Potter? OMG HE'S MINE NOT YOURS! I first met him on a train. THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS He and I had some adventures, In the Department Of Mysteries that was hard. (Me: I bet) HE BELONGS TO THE DARK LORD! 4/7 Ron Weasley? YAY MY BROTHER! STAY AWAY FROM RONALD! HE'S MINE! Another Weasley! Ugh, he's stupid like the rest of his family. He got crazy in the Department of Mysteries, I'm a good nurse! 5/7 Neville Longbottom? He's Cute! I like him. Longbottom is stupid! He's nice, and Forgetfull. He's funny! 6/7 Draco Malfoy? *Screams Loudly* OMG I LOVE YOU DRACO!!!!!!!! I don't like him, he called me a Mud blood. Ron dislikes him, I dislike him! *Daydreams* Oh wait! Am I supposed to be doing this? (Me: Never mind) 7/7 Who do you hope you end up with? Pansy Parkingston (Me: It's PARKINSTON!) Hermione Granger! Ginevra Weasley LUNA LOVEGOOD!