the fresh firstheads guartned meet your lover or your money back its fresh out the window dont even think about rollin that shit up let it flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy freshfirsthead published on May 14, 2012 Stacked 1/5 which one do you eat the most grapes strawberries bluberries peanut bitter franks red hot sauce corn on the coib generic milk with home made oreos fried eggs on pita bred protein shakes fries with groovy sauce anything thats DIPperable honey nut cherrious 2/5 where is the nearest tree next to you outside maybe 2m away probably somewhere in mc i live in a tree TREES HAH AHA HA NO SUCH THING the forest fire took them out i grow trees in my garden fluttershy highway i-5 backwyard my very own tree sim canada has lots of trees so im going to say all the above 3/5 who is your favourite mariowiki pop star snack tfp smasher xp anton smiley brock salsa nate dippy bil crash 4/5 would you ever like a home made ___________ maker?????????/ ice cream dice jalapeno cheese hat pillow snow color desert cloud candle game 5/5 favourite tf2 class GO scout soldier spy demoman pyro medick heavy engy sniper random bob hidden