would u be my bestiest buddy could u be my comrade in epicness and weirdness my anime buddy my friend? yurikoneko published on May 11, 2012 Stacked 1/6 r u gonna comment =D PLZ DO!!!!!!!!!!!!! duh of course this quiz was awsome >.> this quiz kinda scared me <.< 2/6 what do u think of this poem u the fool think u so coolu wjo took my picklethought no one will tellno u shall enjoy pickle hell!!! O___O NOOO THERES A PICKLE THEIF its a dumb pickle*noms pickle* 3/6 do u like anime yessssssssssssssss omg XDDDDDDDD anime manga YEAH! wat iz this anime? 4/6 if i would suddenly star dancing u would :D OMG DANCE PARTY!! <.< this iss kinda creepy 5/6 how epic r u hell yeah now give meh that cookie! um....umm... nya 6/6 whould u take my candy NOOO NEVER...but u could share =D give meh ur candy