Which Harry Potter Character Are You? (17) This test is all about Which Harry Potter Character are you? Are you really Harry, Hermione or Seamus Finnagin! Take this test to find out! Jetaime2007 published on July 16, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Which Mr Men character is your favourite? Mr Rude Mr Tickle Little Miss Chatterbox Little Miss Contary Little Miss Dotty Little Miss Whoops I hate Mr Men 2/10 What's your favourite piece of clothing? Robes Emerald Robes Shorts Dress Shirt Jeans Sneakers 3/10 Keep Calm and... Kill Murder Study Battle Eat Chocolate Frogs Look into the peniseve Play Qudditch 4/10 Name your favourite singer/band? Taylor Swift The Cure Justin Bieber Black Sabboth The Darkness Justin Timberlake Bottacheli 5/10 What's you favrouite catchphrase? Bloody Hell Oh Snap! Omg high pitch laugh cackle Holy Moly? Oh my 6/10 What would your Patronus be? Snake Lion Phoenix Hedgehog Dolphin Pony Bat 7/10 Which Shop? Flourish and Blotts Quality Quidditch Supplies Honeydukes Ollivanders Madam Malikins Robes Gringotts Burgin and Bourkes 8/10 Why do people have to be so... Dumb Mean Smart Bad at decisions Bad at Quiddtch Resistant to die Nice 9/10 What Colour Are you? Black Green Blue Purple Pink Orange Brown 10/10 What is your best trait? Loyalty Courage Quick thinking Smarts Friendly Family person Mean