harry potter peeps it will tell you about yourself and ask you things you might not no but try your best you123 published on May 05, 2012 Stacked 1/7 do you like school?yes or no yes no 2/7 are you in gryffindor or ravenclaw? yes no yes no 3/7 will you ever play wizard chess? yes no yes no 4/7 do you like cake? yes no yes: no 5/7 will you call out in class? yes no yes no 6/7 what house do you think you might be in? will you be in gryffindor like harry will you be in ravenclaw like luna will you be in hufflepuff like hannah will you be in slytherin like draco 7/7 if you put yes for most of the questions you are in gryffindor or ravenclaw dont answer this one dont answer this one to