are you you a cat or dog? have you ever wondered if you would be a cat or a dog? if so this is the quiz for you! morgan5021 published on July 30, 2016 Stacked 1/9 would you eat a horse hoof? NO! ew yes. sounds good. 2/9 meow or bark? meow bark 3/9 what do you think about climbing? yes i love climbing! i cant climb. :( i can climb but i dont like to. no i hate climbing! 4/9 what do you want to get cat dog 5/9 do you like to play fetch? no way! yes! 6/9 do you like water? (to swim in and stuff) NO! i HATE to swim! YES! i LOVE to swim! yes. only a little only a little no. i only drink it drinking is the only use 7/9 here's a very easy one. what do you like better, a cat or dog? i like dogs better i like cats better 8/9 would you eat chicken? yes maybe 9/9 what do you think of this quiz? love it (cat) love it (dog) like it (cat) like it (dog) dont like it (cat) dont like it (dog) hate it (cat) hate it (dog)