Which Harry Potter Character are you? Are you Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, or Ginny? Take this quiz to find out! horselover90 published on April 22, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Who's your favorite teacher? Hagrid. Don't we all love him? Slughorn. He loves me. Mostly all of them. I guess Slughorn. Snape. Snape. Severous Snape. 2/5 Do you like Quidditch? It depends if I feel "lucky". I like it, but I rather make trouble with Crabbe and Goyle. YES!!! EVeryone says I am great at flying and be being seeker. I much rather watch my friend do it or study for my O.W.L.s Yeah, but only if Harry is with me. 3/5 What is your best subject. I am not bad at spells. Pretty much everything. I'm a potions preson, as long as Snape isn't there. Does chess count? Potions. As long as Snape's there. 4/5 Which house do you belong in? Probaly Gryffindor. Well, my whole family comes from Gryffindor. Anything but Slytheryn. SLYTHERYN. I look up to mmy family, so Gryffindor. 5/5 Who is your crush? Ginny. Pansy Parkinson. Hermione. Ron. Harry.