which hunger games district are you a quiz to find out which district of panem you'd be in a personality quiz createzquiz published on April 20, 2012 Stacked 1/5 your fav. district is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2/5 what region do you live in applician moutains regtion and new england south east south central south west central rocky moutains north west north central great lakes east central ccentral west central east rockies 3/5 when someone says white you think my new bed the color of my victim's bloodless face a mouse pad sea foam electricity trains the white birches the white dress i'm making wheat cows white leaves one of katniss's mocking jay suit 4/5 you wear the new trend clothes that are easyto move in uniform fishing outfit saftey suit light weight stuff hiking outfit whatever clothing i just made something i dont mind getting dirty my horse riding outfit somthing casual my mocking jay suit 5/5 you like luxary masonary ( weapons ) technolagy fishing power transportation lumber textile grain livestock agricultue mining