What Shake It Up character are you? Are you Rocky, Cece, Deuce, Ty, or Flynn? Find out by taking this quiz! ;) singer4eva published on April 12, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Wats ur fave color? All colors Neon Red Blue Green 2/5 Wats ur fave animal? They r all so cute i just cant decide! Dog Cat Panda I like puppies! 3/5 WHat do you do in your free time? School work first, but after, I hang with my bffs! Sleep, eat, of hang with friends. Listen to music Dance Video games all day baby! 4/5 How do you have your hair done? Just down and curly Well, I have cute bangs and my hair is usually down. Who cares? What hair? Oh yeah, i dont really do anyhing to it. It takes 2 hours in the morning! ;) 5/5 Hobbie? Well i like 2 sing and dance with my bffs just 4 fun! Dancing Music and impression I get the hottest girls/guys It depends...