Lucys Quiz A quiz to find what your friends and family think of you as you take the quiz to find your personality x boo2000 published on April 11, 2012 Stacked 1/5 when a phone rings do you... ? Leave it for someone else tell someone to get it run and quickly answer it ask if you should get it 2/5 What would you do if a friend was hurt? Stay back and let teachers deal with it Tell everyone to stay away ask if shes ok and then start shouting to get a teacher sit with her for comfort 3/5 if your lost do you..? Keep trying to find where your going ask someone nicely say you know where your going run up to people and make them tell you where to go 4/5 Do you enjoy working with people? Yes sometimes only if im incharge no 5/5 what enviroment do you like working in? loud silent quiet one person speaks at a time