Which Friend charecter are you ? this quiz is better then eney quiz in the world please try it if you dont then your missing out i have tryed it and i love it and so do my friends and family . Elishared123 published on April 11, 2012 Stacked 1/5 What do you intened to be when your older ? a clown a cleaner An dinosaur expert an ex smoker 2/5 whats your favouite puppy German Shepard labrador border collie yorkshire terrier 3/5 Where would you go on a first date? go to the beach go to dinner go to a movie or go to a consert 4/5 what is your favouite one direction singer Niall Harry Liam louis zayne 5/5 what is your favouite ice cream? Strawberry Choclate chip mint choclate chip bubblegun