What Canine Are You? In this test you will be asked a few questions and you will see what canine you are :) JacktheWolf820 published on September 24, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Which would be your habitat Woods Desert Savana Forest(Snowy) 2/10 Are you extrovert or introvert Introvert Extrovert Sorta/kinda 3/10 What's your favorite color Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink 4/10 Which word best discribse you Playful Silent Leader Follower Introvert Social Annoyed Annoying (Just had to) 5/10 How do you react when you see a cat I jump up and down screaming "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!" I don't really care I go say hi I hide in the corner 6/10 What is your favorite dog breed Golden retriever Puli I don't like dogs Husky Doge Beagles 7/10 Are you commonly mistaken Yes No 8/10 What is your favorite subject P.ESHOOT SOME HOOPS! English Science MathWut is 9+10? Social studies I don't like school 9/10 How do you make friends By saying hi and making them my friend By being honest and friendly I don't have any I perfer to be alone 10/10 What do you think of this Nice Good Eh Bad Horrible