Who is your Harry Potter best friend? This is for boys and girls and please let me know what you got in the comments madisonffion published on June 28, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Who is your favourite teacher at hogwarts Mcgonigall Trelawny Flitwick Sprout Snape Slughorn 2/5 Why is your favourite quiddich team Holly head harpys Chucky cannons Red roses Lavender close Bulgaia Irish 3/5 What house are u in Gryffindor Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff 4/5 What is your fav class Transiguration Divination 5/5 What is your fav Harry Potter film Half blood prince Goblot of fire Philosophers stone Order of the phenicks Chamber of secrets Prisinor of askaban