Who's Acting Wacky? You won't believe these wacky celebrity stories! Take this quiz to find out which one of our three characters best matches your personality. rihanna80 published on April 15, 2023 Stacked 1/16 What would you do at a surprise concert? Watch from the back of the room Jump on stage and join in Dance and sing with the crowd 2/16 How do you like to spend a night out? Going to a movie Having fun with friends Dressing up in a crazy costume 3/16 What are your reaction to public events? Enjoy the show Be the life of the party Stay away from the crowds 4/16 What would you do with a million dollars? Buy something luxurious and extravagant Do something wild and unexpected Deposit it into savings and use responsibly 5/16 Your ideal vacation is... Exploring a new, unknown city Going to a quiet spot to relax Ticking off as many adventure activities as possible 6/16 If you had to appear on a celebrity news show, you would... Lampoon the situation and make jokes Be honest without revealing too much Break the mold in an unexpected way 7/16 What would you do if a beehive fell out of a tree on your head? Shake it off and move on Laugh and take a selfie Run away and hide 8/16 How would you feel about taking part in an interview for a celebrity magazine? Be uncomfortable in the limelight Enjoy answering the questions Embrace it as a challenge 9/16 When going out to dinner, you prefer to... Stick to what you know Order a strange combination of food Try something unique from the menu 10/16 When you go to a music festival, you... Walk up to the stage and start dancing Dance until the early hours of the morning Watch from a distance and relax 11/16 If you were approached by the paparazzi, you would... Politely decline and leave Give them a show to remember Flirt and enjoy the attention 12/16 How do you deal with uninvited attention from the public? Walk away and avoid it Be cool and polite Laugh it off and make a joke 13/16 If you could tour the world, you would... Leave your mark in each city you visit Sample the best food, drinks and experiences Take it slow, appreciate the journey 14/16 When attending an awards show, you would... Joke around with the other stars Do something outrageous on the red carpet Be polite and dignified 15/16 If a well-known person invites you to a party, you would... Fashion an outrageous outfit and make a statement Be mindful of your behavior and enjoy yourself Bring a gathering of friends and have fun 16/16 If you wanted to be remembered for a wild stunt, you would... Stay away from stunts and remain low-key Create a buzz with a clever prank Do something explosive and spontaneous