Which Are You? Are you Dark or Light I am the only one to give a true answer for I am the most corrupted. MyLittleDarkness published on July 30, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Smile or Scowl Smile Scowl 2/8 Rainbow or Rain? Rainbow Rain 3/8 You trip someone Just stare at them Say sorry and help them up 4/8 Hellhound or Puppy? Hellhound Puppy 5/8 You see an animal being beaten Kill the person doing it Ask them to stop 6/8 You see an animal fall in a well Call for help Jump in, pick it up, and climb up the walls 7/8 Someone trips you Get up and just keep walking Get up and scream in their face: How would you feel if I did that to you!!?!!? 8/8 Kill or Kiss Kill Kiss