What HP OC are you? Which OC of mine and Skullies from the HP fandom thing that I do on an RP with her are you most like? Descriptionness.... IvyDevi published on May 20, 2014 Stacked 1/14 The perfect night with your significant other would include.... Dancing Cuddling up with them in front of the fire A nice all you can eat buffet Some formal and important event Pizza Making Out 2/14 Your favorite color out of these is... Purple Red Blue Aquamarine Pink Green 3/14 What animal do you prefer? Owl, Raven, or Other Bird Dragon An animal that eats a lot Fox Bunny Snake 4/14 What would you do to make someone love you? I wouldn't try very hard... I would be myself and if I really liked them I would definitely show it! Anything W-Well if I had to I could try eating less Manipulate everything and everyone that I can to slowly make them come running to me without ever letting them find out that I planned it Just become friends and if it's meant to become love then it'll happen on it's own! Assault them and try to force or talk them into loving me 5/14 What weapon/defense do/would you use most? I don't need to fight, someone is always protecting me Anything I can easily use Hiding Charm and Manipulation My pet! I know (s)he's all cute and small and sweet but I bet if put him/her in a battle (s)he'd be totally awesome! Swords or Dark Magic 6/14 What kind of book would you prefer? Adventure Novel or Textbook One about Weapons, Fighting, and Dark Magic Cook Book The journal/diary of someone you know or are interested in or something political Anything with a pretty cover! Romance or Horror 7/14 You would rather buy... A lot of chocolate A gift for someone Food Formal office-style clothes and expensive make up A way to dye things my favorite color cheap lipstick and crop tops 8/14 Out of the ones below you'd prefer to eat... Anything with chocolate Something Sweet Everything Lobster, sushi, or steak Sandwiches Pizza and breadsticks 9/14 You deal with your issues by... Crying and talking about them to someone close to you Taking Care of Whatever's Causing Them Forgetting about them and eating Writing down anything that upsets you and then burning it in a fire so that no one ever sees it OR picking on your sister/brother and their friends Yelling at your pet Taking it out on other people 10/14 You'd rather drink... Hot cocoa, Chocolate Milk, or Chocolate Milkshake Soda Milkshakes Red Wine Strawberry Milk or Strawberry Milkshake Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, other cola-like soda 11/14 You'd rather live... In a cabin or cave It doesn't matter as long as the person I love is there Somewhere with lots of space for food In a practical but large home that is worthy of your superiority A castle that's your favorite color and has lots of food for your friend(s) A downtown apartment 12/14 Choose an item... Animal ears Boxers Food Diamond earrins Dyed Bunny Crop top 13/14 What hobby(s) suit you best? Singing, school, or having fun with your signifigant other Reading Eating Writing, planning, or teaching your friends something Making food, skipping classes, dying things your favorite color Dark magic, fencing, or kissing 14/14 What did you think of the quiz? It was fun >u< Stupid Can I go back to eating now? It was wonderful, thank you *smiles* It was borrringggg it should have been pink! Total waste of my time