What Mystic Messenger Character Are You? This Game as consumed my life and its hard not to love the characters. So why not find out which one you are! Hoshi._.Chan published on April 24, 2017 Stacked 1/7 What do find the most satisfying? Helping others through volunteering Working hard to get money Getting time to relax and sleep Saving up for something, and then buying it Getting good feedback on something you worked hard on 2/7 What's your favorite food? Junk Food and Sweets Steak or Fish Chips and Soda Take out food and Coffee Almost Anything 3/7 What personality sounds most like you? Innocent and Caring Cool and Mature Funny but can be Serious Smart and Hard Working Confident and Romantic 4/7 What job out of these seems the most interesting to you? Vet Head of a Company Hacker Office Worker Actor 5/7 What's your favorite color out of these? Green Purple Red Yellow White/Gray 6/7 What clothing style do you prefer? Comfy and Casual Fancy and Formal Laid back but Neat Formal and Smart Elegant and Fancy 7/7 What is your favorite subject in school? Computer Science Art/Tech Design Math A Language Music/Drama