who r u from lab rats? r u leo bree chase or adam? find out in my quiz! good luck and i hope u like! austinandally81 published on March 08, 2012 Stacked 1/5 u are forced to fight some one what do u do? A)confuse them buy running over there then there there here here there! B)oh ill win.. will I? wait what? C)prepare to lose[sigh] D)THINK! i can win no yes no yes well who cares i can protect myself. 2/5 potatoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A)WHAT THE HECK??? B)YUMMY! C)ummm............. D)thanks!!! now im hungry...grr 3/5 u just figured out that u failed the biggest test of the year what do u do? A)I didnt fail... B)not the first time C)run around in circles D)well oops! its ok! 4/5 whats ur fav color? A)yellow B)GREEN! C)red D)purple! 5/5 ure picked for a public announcement what do u do? A)who cares a barley know anything they wont pick me! B)no but what can I do IM GONNA NAIL IT! C)HIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)start coughing mmmy voice hurts...