Could You Be The Guy For Me? Find out if you could be my guy, could we date? Could we be a couple??? Omg. Who are you? When you're done with this take the next one "Could I Be The Girl For You?" kass1551 published on May 23, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Do You Think I'll Like You? Yes, I'm HAWT! I Hope Maybe I dunno No. 2/10 Eye Color Brown Blue Green Changing Hazel 3/10 What do you like to do Hang outside and play basketball Play Video games Watch Tv Hang with friends @ movies other 4/10 What gift would you buy your girlfriend Small and not expensive i guess do i have to? Nothing Anything she want A big gift to suprise her 5/10 What type of hair do you have? Long Short Med. reg Med wavy 6/10 Not that care but what is your ethnic? Light Skin Dark skin Mix Other 7/10 Are you a nerd? No. I'm smart but I wouldn't call myself a nerd Maybe Yes -.- 8/10 Pick your body type Really skinny Kinda Skinny Normal Kinda Fat Big 9/10 How old are you? 7-10? why r u even on heree??? 11-13 ;) 14-16 OLDER 10/10 What color is your hair? A type of blonde Brown Black A wierd color red or orange