Are you a true friend? Are you nice and funny, or mean and hateful? You can learn here! Do it for your enemy or your BEST FRIEND. So... Are you a true friend? Effie123 published on March 05, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Main Emotion? Excited! Happy. Calm. Shy. Scared. :oD Angry. 2/5 Do you enjoy the same things? Nope not at ALL! Maybe just one thing. Um............... maybe one to five things. Idk. Half the things they like I like :) YES! Everything but maybe just one thing. EVERYTHING! 3/5 How often do you hang out? All the time! It's like we are a magnet to each other! Mostly. He/she hangs out with others too. I don't mind. Kind of. We hang out at lunch though or have the same classes. No.Not alllllll the time. I rarely have any free time! Always a busy bee. No. We mostly argue. She/he usually wins. But were always friends the next day. Not at ALL! I absoulutly hate him/her! 4/5 (Everyone asks this but I'll ask too) Favorite color? Red. Orange. Yellow and mellow. xD Lime green. xP Pink/Purple. Black. 5/5 Favorite sport? Soccer. Rugby. Football! Um...................... Idk............................................ Baseball. Basketball.