what hunger games character are you? which hunger games character are you most like? Find out in this quiz :) zkej1232321 published on March 04, 2012 Stacked 1/5 what will you do tommorow drink Kill Snow Kill people Bake and stroke Katniss's hair Cure people that are sick or injured Die my skin aqua 2/5 choose a weapon Makeup First Aid Kit Knife Poison Bow and Arrow Alcohol 3/5 what sounds the most interesting? drinking hunting baking helping take care of patients SPARKLES killing random people 4/5 if you could do one thing what would it be KILL PRESIDENT SNOW Marry Katniss AHH I JUST DIED MY HAIR PINK Drink Kill everyone who bothers me Become a Docter 5/5 how are you what the heck i need a drink um good i kill you eek i am about to get a tenth piercing on my face i'm good