Summer Setting Where will you be this summer? Where will your passion take you? Will you go near or far? Find your inner summer! Gtpenpoint published on March 03, 2012 Stacked 1/6 What's your summer shoes? Sandals Slippers Sneakers 2/6 What are you doing on the first day of summer vacation? Nothing. Sleeping in. Maybe going out to breakfast. You know...chillin'. Sleeping in then heading to the beach. Sun, surf, and sand. On an airplane at 5am going to London. 3/6 Where do you listen to music from? iPod Car Radio Pandora or Youtube 4/6 What's your means of transportation for your main destination of the summer? Plane Couch or bed Car 5/6 How long can you stand being away from home during the summer? A night, if it's a sleepover at a friend's house. A month, I have the whole school year to be at home. A weekend to a week, enough to get out but anymore than that and I get homesick. 6/6 Would you rather see... Yosemite Falls Pretty Little Liars Visit the Great Wall of China