What Undertale character are you? (1) undertale fans only p.s. i didint bother to put any pictures cuz imz lazy XDDD PrincessLuna1 published on June 18, 2016 Stacked 1/5 what do ya like to do for fun trying to catch hoomans uhh nothin much i guess i can go drink in a bar idk rome around looking for humans i wanna be their friend 2/5 if u were a boy who whould u go out with a pretty fish girl uhhhhh im not telling u my buisness useless i tell ya useless [me: [bangs head against wall] why is that person even here] 3/5 what do ur friends think of u a wanna be :[ a chill cool guy useless 4/5 if u where a girl who whould u go out with pfff my mirror makes that reflection even more beutifull uhhh idk ima stay single im useless [me: [face palms]] 5/5 wats ur fav color [i cant come up with anything else XDDD] pink and purple pfft blue red