are you a rocker or pink and pretty find out what you are right here a simple quiz even a baby could take so take it and dont forget to comment! moppsy published on February 27, 2012 Stacked 1/6 would you rather be hanging out at the mall or see avenged sevenfold? mall deffo avenged sevenfold what are you crazy 2/6 would you be sitting through a chick flick or be in the mosh pit? Mosh pit you idiot!!! Chick flick durrr! 3/6 would you be on stage getting hauled of by security cus you love the band or have a restraining order on you cus you love this lad? r order they are so cute ahhh security come on everyones done it! 4/6 if max raptor were walking down the road would you... a. ask them for an autograph. carry on walking and ignore them. get on your hands and knees and worship them. 5/6 if you had the choice if going anywere were would it be? mall deffo concert 6/6 if you won tickits to see muse would you... give them someone else and say you hate them! take the tickets and never give em back