Which House Of Anubis Character Are YOU? This is dedicated to my schools class of 2012. It may seem weird, but whatever. summerdays published on February 26, 2012 Stacked 1/8 What animal best represents you? Turtle Peacock Cheetah Monkey Dolphin Fox Bird Dog Tiger 2/8 When you grow up you want to be a... Comedian Sports Player United Nations Detective Musician Archaologist Cop Fashion Designer Director Journalist 3/8 Favorite color? Red PINK! Purple Black White Green Yellow :) Navy Blue O r a n g e Light Blue 4/8 Favorite subject? Gym Lunch Drama Math History Science English Social Studies Home Ec. Language 5/8 Hobbies? Writing Directing Reading Fashion Pulling Pranks Listening to Music Playing Sports Thinking Getting in other peoples business Being sassy 6/8 TV show type? Comedy Sports Cartoons History Drama Science Reality Fashion Crime Mystery 7/8 Favorite type of Music? Folk Pop Rap Emo Rock Hard Rock Electro R&B Classical Misc. 8/8 If your friend went missing, you would... Not give up until they were found Use your brains Scream at people Try and cheer everyone else up by making them laugh Go on a dangerous expedition to find them PANIC! Not care Go to the librairy Call the cops. DUHH!! Convince your other friends to help you find them