Where would be the best place for you to live? This is to determine what environment you would live in or near. Like maybe you need help or somthing. Maybe it just fun I don't care! larrystylinson4eva published on February 25, 2012 Stacked 1/7 When someone angers you you... Go away Ignore Snap back You say grr Slap them glare at them Say humph 2/7 Wich would you rather be in? Group Isolation Few close-by neighbors Partner Many close Every few miles a person lives A person every once and a while 3/7 Favorite color... Blue\White Tidal wave blue Murky Green Clear Golden-Brown Lime Green Brown 4/7 Wich Season do you like? Winter Early Summer Mid Summer Late Spring Mid Spring Late Summer Fall 5/7 Your personality... Happy cheerful Loud and Proud Quiet Never fit in and never talk Average Few words Always in LaLa land 6/7 Eye color Deep Blue Blue almost white Grey Green Deep brown Hazel Light brown 7/7 What is your favorite T.v. Big Bang Theory My Little Pony Animal Planet Jershey Shore How I met your Mother Discovery Planet None of the Above